Thursday, March 13, 2025

Petition Seeks to Stop Latest Effort to Get Bibles in Oklahoma School Classrooms

 As previously reported, the Oklahoma Supreme Court has issued an order staying any work by the Oklahoma Office of Management and Enterprise Services on any new request by the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) for the purchase of Bibles for distribution to public school classrooms. However, the Department of Education has announced a new "Bibles Back in School" Campaign in which it has partnered with singer Lee Greenwood in asking members of the public to purchase copies of the "God Bless the USA" Bible and donate them to OSDE for it to distribute to classrooms. The website through which purchase may be made says in part:

The God Bless The USA Bible makes a strong visual connection of the KJV translation (red letter edition) along with our nation’s Founding Father Documents – The US Constitution, The Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence, and The Pledge of Allegiance – providing a profound visible teaching asset for all. This special Bible will help our next generation of leadership to carry on the future of America as we’ve known it.

Yesterday, the petitioners in Walke v. Walters, (OK Sup. Ct., filed 3/12/2025), filed a Supplemental Petition (full text) with the Oklahoma Supreme Court asking it to issue an injunction prohibiting OSDE from proceeding with the Campaign, arguing that OSDE lacks authority to distribute Bibles to school districts and that the Bibles Back to School Campaign violates provisions of the Oklahoma state Constitution (Art. 1 Sec. 2 and Art. 2 Sec 5)which prohibit public money from being used to support any system of religion. The Petition says in part:

To be sure, private parties are free to offer donations of items-- including Bibles-- to school districts, but state officials cross the constitutional line when they organize, promote, and participate in a campaign to distribute donated copies of a particular religious text to schools.

Americans United issued a press release announcing the filing of the Supplemental Petition.

9th Circuit: Profs Lack Standing to Challenge Addition of Caste Discrimination to University's Anti-Discrimination Policy

In Kumar v. Koester, (9th Cir., March 12, 2023), the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals held that two Hindu California State University college professors lack standing to challenge the addition of "caste" as a protected class under the university's anti-discrimination and harassment policy. Plaintiffs claim that this addition falsely attributes a caste system to Hinduism. The court said in part:

Appellants allege that the Policy’s inclusion of “caste” stigmatized their religion and caused them to self-censor certain religious practices, like celebrating holidays and discussing religious texts....

The complaint ... alleges that the Policy violates the Religious Clauses of the First Amendment by defining the Hindu religion as including a caste system, and in doing so, “ascrib[es] an oppressive and discriminatory caste system to the entire Hindu religion.”...  

Appellants failed to show that they intend to engage in any religious practice that could reasonably constitute caste discrimination or harassment such that the Policy would be enforced against them....

... How can Appellants be injured by a policy prohibiting conduct that they have no intention to engage in?...

... Appellants have alleged no injury to their ability to exercise their religion.  Rather, their claims only indicate that they are offended by an alleged association of the caste system with Hinduism.  This is the exact “moral, ideological, or policy objection to a particular government action” that the injury in fact requirement is meant to “screen[] out.”...

... [T]he district court made a factual finding that the Policy had no hostility toward religion.  It based that finding on (1) the fact that the Policy does not mention Hinduism; (2) dictionary definitions show “caste” is “readily defined without reference to Hinduism” 

... If the Policy does not stigmatize Hinduism, Appellants have no spiritual injury.  And if there is no injury, there is no standing....  Appellants’ Establishment Clause claim fails for lack of Article III standing....

[Thanks to Dusty Hoesly for the lead.]

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Trump Nominates Brian Burch as Ambassador to the Vatican

Yesterday, President Donald Trump formally submitted to Congress the nomination of Brian Burch to be U.S. ambassador to the Holy See. Burch is President of CatholicVote. According to Catholic News Agency, last December Trump announced on Truth Social that he intended to nominate Burch for the position. CNA's report in December said in part:

CatholicVote is a political advocacy group that endorsed Trump in January and ran advertisements in support the president-elect during his campaign. According to CatholicVote, the organization spent over $10 million on the 2024 elections.

Oklahoma Supreme Court Stays for Now Bible Purchases for Public Schools

As previously reported, in October suit was filed by public school parents, teachers and by clergy challenging Oklahoma's requirement for all public schools to incorporate the Bible in their curricula. The suit was filed in the Oklahoma Supreme Court asking it to assume original jurisdiction because of the importance and time-sensitiveness of the case. The suit was filed against the State Superintendent of Education, the State Board of Education, the State Office of Management and Enterprise Services (OMES), and personnel of each agency. OMES processes purchasing requests by state agencies. At the request of the petitioners as well as by OMES, the Oklahoma Supreme Court in Walke v. Walters, (OK Sup. Ct., March 10, 2025), issued an Order (full text) staying any work by OMES on any new request by the Department of Education for the purchase of Bibles as well as staying OMES's work on a pending Request for Proposals on Biblical Character Instruction. The Court however deferred until a later stage in the case petitioners' request for a stay on implementing in its entirety the state's Bible Education Mandate. Oklahoma Public Radio reports on the Court's order.

Ecclesiastical Abstention Doctrine Leads to Dismissal of Church Property Dispute

In Atlantic Korean American Presbytery v. Shalom Presbyterian Church of Washington, Inc., (VA App., March 11, 2025), a Virginia state appellate court held that the ecclesiastical abstention doctrine barred civil courts from hearing a church property dispute where the church involved had previously invoked jurisdiction of the Presbyterian Church Synod in the church's controversy with the Korean American Presbytery. The church went to a civil court only when it was unhappy with the Synod's ruling. At issue was whether the church's property was held in trust for either of the church's parent bodies-- the Atlantic Korean American Presbytery or the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.  The court said in part:

AKAP asserts that because the PCUSA Synod previously adjudicated part of this dispute after Shalom invoked the Synod’s authority to prevent AKAP from assuming control of its assets, Shalom’s decision to seek a decision from the PCUSA Synod deprived the circuit court (and by extension, this Court) of jurisdiction to hear the matter.  Since we find the Synod’s decision deprives the circuit court of jurisdiction to hear this matter under the ecclesiastical abstention doctrine, we agree that the circuit court could not reach this matter because it lacked jurisdiction even to hear Shalom’s claim as pleaded. ...

By filing the instant complaint in the circuit court, Shalom is collaterally attacking the decision of the PCUSA’s Synod, whose jurisdiction Shalom had previously submitted to before ever initiating the current civil litigation.  Moreover, when initiating its opposition to AKAP’s attempt to seize control over its assets and operations by an Administrative Commission, Shalom filed an ecclesiastical complaint before the Synod while asserting standing to do so as a member of PCUSA and, thus, per PCUSA’s Book of Order, stating it was also a member of AKAP.  When the Synod subsequently denied their ecclesiastical complaint, instead of appealing that decision to the PCUSA General Assembly, Shalom “terminated [its] connection” with AKAP, and filed a civil complaint in the circuit court that sought a declaration that Shalom was not a member of AKAP.  And this complaint did not assert that the Synod’s decision was fraught with fraud or collusion.  Hence, by filing this civil complaint, Shalom effectively collaterally attacked the Synod’s decision (instead of appealing it) and entirely reversed the position it took on its PCUSA membership status before the ecclesiastical tribunal....  For us to find it permissible for Shalom to undertake a litigation strategy of first filing an ecclesiastical complaint in the ecclesiastical bodies of the Presbyterian Church USA, and then, instead of appealing an adverse judgment within that forum—immediately filing a civil complaint in the Circuit Court of Fairfax County to attack the judgment of the Synod—would violate both the Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses of the United States Constitution.

The court's 43-page opinion includes a lengthy review of the development of the ecclesiastical abstention doctrine in Virginia.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Education Department Threatens Enforcement Actions Against 60 Universities for Antisemitic Activities on Campus

 In a press release yesterday, the U.S. Department of Education said in part:

Today, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) sent letters to 60 institutions of higher education warning them of potential enforcement actions if they do not fulfill their obligations under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act to protect Jewish students on campus, including uninterrupted access to campus facilities and educational opportunities. The letters are addressed to all U.S. universities that are presently under investigation for Title VI violations relating to antisemitic harassment and discrimination.

Wyoming Enacts State RFRA

Last week, Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon signed HB 0207, the Wyoming Religious Freedom Restoration Act (full text). The Act requires strict scrutiny of state action that substantially burden's a person's right to the exercise of religion. Wyoming is the 29th state to enact a similar statute. Catholic World Report covers these developments.

Suit Challenges NYPD's Forcible Removal of Hijabs as Crowd Control Tactic

Suit was filed this week in a New York federal district court challenging the practice of the New York Police Department of forcibly and publicly removing Muslim women's hijabs as a method of crowd control at demonstrations. The complaint (full text) in Council on American-Islamic Relations New York v. City of New York, (SD NY, filed 3/9/2025) contends that the practice violates the free exercise and free speech protections of the U.S. and New York Constitutions, as well as the 4th Amendment and other provisions of New York law. CAIR issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Supreme Court Denies Cert. In Title VII Religioius Discrimination Case

The U.S. Supreme Court today denied review in Hittle v. City of Stockton, California, (Docket No. 24-427, certiorari denied 3/10/2025). Justice Thomas, joined by Justice Gorsuch, filed an opinion dissenting from the denial of cert. In the case, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a district court's dismissal of a religious discrimination suit under Title VII and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act brought by the city's former Fire Chief.  Among the several reasons given to plaintiff by the city for his dismissal was his attendance at a Christian religious leadership event on city time and with use of a city vehicle, and his approval for three other Department employees to also attend. (See prior posting.) In his dissent, Justice Thomas said in part:

I would have taken this opportunity to revisit McDonnell Douglas and decide whether its burden-shifting framework remains a workable and useful evidentiary tool.

CNN reports on the denial of review.

Supreme Court Grants Certiorari in Conversion Therapy Ban Case

The U.S. Supreme Court today granted review in Chiles v. Salazar, (Docket No. 24-539, certiorari granted 3/10/2025).  In the case, the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in a 2-1 decision held that Colorado's Minor Conversion Therapy Law that bans mental health professionals from providing conversion therapy to minors does not violate the free speech or free exercise rights of mental health professionals. (See prior posting.) The petition for certiorari raises only the free speech issue. The SCOTUSblog case page for the case contains links to pleadings in the case. AP reports on the grant of review.

6th Circuit: Public Official Engaging in State Action Cannot Assert 1st Amendment Defense

In Emold v. Davis(6th Cir., March 6, 2025), the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a $100,000 damage award to a same-sex couple who were refused a marriage license by Rowan County, Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis who had religious objections to same-sex marriage. The court said in part:

Government officials “have private lives and their own constitutional rights.” ...  But when a public official wields the “authority of the state,” she “engage[s] in state action,” which, by definition, cannot be protected by the First Amendment....

Davis alternatively argues that her Free Exercise rights were violated by a different state action:  Kentucky’s delay in granting her a religious accommodation.  But Plaintiffs had nothing to do with the timing of the accommodation, and Davis’s argument is irrelevant to Plaintiffs’ claim.  Either way, Davis has been found liable for state action—not private conduct—so she cannot raise a First Amendment defense...

 As Davis sees it, a public official can wield the authority of the state to violate the constitutional rights of citizens if the official believes she is “follow[ing] her conscience.” ...  That cannot be correct.  “The very purpose of a Bill of Rights” is to place certain freedoms “beyond the reach of . . . [government] officials.”  ...  Thus, when an official’s discharge of her duties according to her conscience violates the constitutional rights of citizens, the Constitution must win out.  The Bill of Rights would serve little purpose if it could be freely ignored whenever an official’s conscience so dictates....

Davis also argues that Kentucky’s RFRA shields her from liability.  But that statute does not apply here....

Judge Readler filed an opinion concurring in part and concurring in the judgment.  Louisville Courier Journal reports on the decision.

Recent Articles of Interest

From SSRN:

From SSRN (Non-U.S. Law):

From SSRN (Hindu law and rituals):

From SmartCILP:

Friday, March 07, 2025

Senate Judiciary Committee Holds Hearing on Antisemitism in America

On Wednesday, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing titled Never To Be Silent: Stemming the Tide of Antisemitism in America. A video of the full hearing and transcripts of the prepared testimony by witnesses are available at the Committee's website.   Jewish News Syndicate reported on the hearing, describing it as a hearing "that addressed where to draw the line between free speech and Jew-hatred."

DOJ Dismisses Suit Claiming Idaho's Abortion Restrictions Conflict With EMTALA

On Wednesday, both parties filed a Stipulation of Dismissal (full text) in United States v. State of Idaho, (D ID, filed 3/5/2025). According to the Stipulation, filing of this with the federal district court in which the suit was brought automatically dissolves the preliminary injunction which the court issued in August 2022.  In the case, the district court had enjoined the state of Idaho from enforcing its nearly total abortion ban to the extent it conflicts with the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act.  The case then worked its way to the U.S. Supreme Court which initially granted review and then instead returned the case to the 9th Circuit, finding that certiorari had been improvidently granted. (See prior posting.)  Most recently, the parties argued the case before the 9th Circuit. Idaho's Attorney General Raúl Labrador announced this week's dismissal of the case, saying in part that: "It has been our position from the beginning that there is no conflict between EMTALA and Idaho’s Defense of Life Act." Liberty Counsel issued a press release discussing these developments and pointing out:

Idaho’s abortion law continues to face a separate legal challenge. In January 2025, St. Luke’s Hospital System in Idaho brought a nearly identical lawsuit as to Biden’s claiming the state’s abortion ban prevents women from getting abortions as part of emergency medical care. In St. Luke’s Health System v. Labrador, U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill, who had previously levied the injunction in Biden’s lawsuit, issued a temporary restraining order against Idaho’s attorney general’s office blocking it from enforcing the “Defense of Life Act” pending the results of a later proceedings.

9th Circuit: Church Lacks Standing to Challenge Washington's Health Insurance Coverage Requirements

In Cedar Park Assembly of God of Kirkland, Washington v. Kreidler, (9th Cir., March 6, 2025), the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in a 2-1 decision held that a church which opposes abortion and some forms of contraception lacks standing to challenge Washington's Reproductive Parity Act which requires health insurance carriers to provide coverage for contraceptives and abortions. A second state statute allows insurance companies to offer employee plans that accommodate a church's religious objections, so long as employees can separately access coverage for such services from the insurer. However, plaintiff church has been unable to find a plan that accommodates its objections. The court said in part: 

Nothing in the challenged law prevents any insurance company ... from offering Plaintiff a health plan that excludes direct coverage for abortion services. Therefore, an insurance company’s independent business decision not to offer such a plan is not traceable to the Parity Act....

Nothing in the record suggests that Plaintiff’s alleged injury would be redressed if we struck down the Parity Act....

Plaintiff contends, in the alternative, that an employer purchasing a no-abortion plan in Washington still “indirectly facilitates” the provision of abortion services to its employees.  Plaintiff relies on but-for reasoning.  As noted above, under the conscientious-objection statute, employees can obtain coverage for abortion services through their insurance carrier, whether or not the employer has a religious objection....  So, Plaintiff’s argument goes, employees receive coverage that they would not have but for the existence of the health plan provided by their employer, even if the employer’s plan does not itself provide that coverage.... We reject this theory as well.  The general disapproval of the actions that others might decide to take does not create standing, even when some tenuous connection may exist between the disapproving plaintiff and the offense-causing action.

Judge Callahan filed a dissenting opinion.  She agreed with plaintiff's "facilitation" argument. She added in part:

Cedar Park also has standing because the Parity Act caused Kaiser Permanente to stop providing a health plan that excludes abortion coverage and the church cannot procure a comparable replacement.

DOJ Starts Title VII "Pattern or Practice" Investigation of Antisemitism at University of California

The Department of Justice has launched an employment discrimination investigation of the University of California. A DOJ press release this week says in part:

The Federal Task Force to Combat Anti-Semitism announced that the Justice Department has opened a civil pattern or practice investigation into the University of California (UC) under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The investigation will assess whether UC has engaged in a pattern or practice of discrimination based on race, religion and national origin against its professors, staff and other employees by allowing an Antisemitic hostile work environment to exist on its campuses....

Under Title VII, the Justice Department has the authority to initiate investigations against state and local government employers where it has reason to believe that a “pattern or practice” of employment discrimination exists....

CBS News reports on the investigation.

Thursday, March 06, 2025

Wyoming Enacts Ban on Transgender Access to Multi-Occupancy Restrooms, Changing and Sleeping Areas

On March 3, Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon signed HB0072, "Protecting Privacy in Public Spaces Act" (full text). The new law requires that multi-occupancy restrooms, changing areas and sleeping quarters in public buildings and educational institutions be designated for use either by males or females. The Act defines males and females by their biological reproductive organs and prohibits them from entering facilities designated for the opposite sex. The Act contains a number of elaborate exceptions.  It also requires educational facilities to provide reasonable accommodations to persons unwilling or unable to use the facility designated for that person's biological sex. The Act provides a cause of action against the government facility involved for a person who encounters a person of the opposite sex in a restroom, changing or sleeping area. Cowboy State Daily reports on the new law.

Refusal To Amend Birth Certificate Did Not Violate Plaintiff's 1st or 14th Amendment Rights

In Malone-Bey v. Mississippi State Board of Health, (MS App, March 4, 2025), a Mississippi state appellate court held that plaintiff's religious free exercise, equal protection and due process rights were not violated when the State Board of Health refused to amend his birth certificate to designate his race as “white: Asiatic/Moor.” The court said in part:

[Plaintiff] asserts that “[t]he inability to recognize this information on [his] birth certificate impedes his full expression of his identity.”  He further asserts that the Board is “discriminating against [him] or placing undue burdens on him due to his religious beliefs or status” and has “denied [him] the ability to fulfill religious obligations and affirm his identity.”

These arguments are without merit.  The Board is in no way “discriminating against” Malone-Bey.  To the contrary, the Board’s approved Certificate of Live Birth does not identify the race, nationality, or religion of any child.  The Board has not treated Malone-Bey different from anyone else.  The Board has treated him just like everyone else....

“Just as the [State] may not insist that [Malone-Bey] engage in any set form of religious observance, so [Malone-Bey] may not demand that the [State] join in [his] chosen religious practices by” adding new categories of information to the State’s records....

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Trump Issues Ash Wednesday Greetings

Today the White House released an Ash Wednesday Message (full text) from President Trump and the First Lady. The Message reads in part:

This Ash Wednesday, we join in prayer with the tens of millions of American Catholics and other Christians beginning the holy season of Lent—a time of spiritual anticipation of the passion, death, and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ....

As we solemnly contemplate Jesus Christ’s suffering and death on the cross this Lent, let us prepare our souls for the coming glory of the Easter miracle.

We offer you our best wishes for a prayerful and enriching Lenten season....

Court Enjoins Cutoff of Funds to Institutions Offering Gender-Affirming Care to Minors

In PFLAG, Inc. v. Trump, (D MD, March 4, 2025), a Maryland federal district court issued a nationwide preliminary injunction against enforcement of provisions in two Executive Orders that threaten to cut off federal funding to medical institutions that offer gender-affirming care to individuals under 19 years of age.  The court found that plaintiffs are likely to succeed on three claims, saying in part:

Because the Executive Orders direct agencies to withhold funding on a condition that Congress has not authorized, the President has exceeded his authority. The Plaintiffs have thus sufficiently shown likelihood of success on the merits of their ultra vires claim that the Executive Orders violate the separation of powers....

Plaintiffs accurately note that the Executive Orders foist upon hospitals receiving federal funds an impossible choice: (I) keep providing medical care to transgender patients under the age of nineteen in compliance with the anti-discrimination statutes and risk losing federal funding under the Executive Orders, or (2) stop providing care on the basis of trans gender identity in violation of the statutes, but in compliance with the EOs. Because the challenged portions of the Executive Orders are facially discriminatory on the basis of transgender identity, and therefore sex under Kadel and Bostock, in violation of Section 1557 of the ACA and Section 1908 of the PHSA, the Court finds that Plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits of their ultra vires statutory claim....

Guided and bound by Fourth Circuit's analysis in Kadel, and with a barer record than the one before the Fourth Circuit there, the Court is compelled to find that the Executive Orders' effective ban on all gender-affirming care for those under nineteen by federally funded institutions is not substantially related to the important government interest of protecting children. As such, Plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits of their Equal Protection claim....

Last month, the court issued a nation-wide temporary restraining order in the case. (See prior posting.)  ACLU issued a press release announcing yesterday's decision.